Here's why Laura and Patrick are taking on such a challenging task:
Laura Ellis
1st Regiment, The Royal Horse Artillery (RHA)
19th Regiment, The Royal Artillery (The Highland Gunners)
Job Roles:
Remover and Reviver Operator
Artillery Logistics
Command Post (CP) Signals
Pipe and Drums
Discharged: September 2012
I joined the British Army in 2008, and went in to the Royal Artillery as a Artillery Signaller. I was a member of B Battery, 1st RHA. This wasn’t to be my only job, as I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 as a Remover and Reviver 3 Operator. Later on during my career I was part of Artillery Logistics, as well as the Pipes and Drums.
My first tour was from 2009 until 2010. I spent Christmas away from my two girls. I was attached to the 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards, who were based in Forward Operating Base (FOB) Shawquat in Helmand. The FOB was integrated into an old castle within the middle of the town.
In 2011 I was diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy. This meant I could no longer do my job to the fullest. In 2015 I was diagnosed with a mental health injury which I’m still undergoing treatment for to this date. In February 2016 I was rushed in to hospital as I’d lost most of the feeling in my body from the waist down. This was due to Cauda Equina, and so underwent emergency surgery to remove the L4 and L5 discs leaving me with ongoing lower back problems.
I now live in West Lothian, Scotland, with my kids, partner and my assistance dog, Scout. I’m not currently working due to my on going physical and mental health problems.
My aim is to start my own dog walking business, and raise as much money for military charities as possible. Quay.
Name – Patrick Medhurst-Feeney
Age – 27
Lives in – Plymouth
Served In – British Army, 8 years
Regiment – Royal Army Veterinary Corp (RAVC)
Job Role(s) – Veterinary Technician, Protection Dog Handler, Vehicle Search Dog Handler
Medically Discharged – March 2016
I joined the Army in 2008, aged 19, into the RAVC as a Veterinary Technician. I carried out this role most of my career, as well as completing dog handling courses, and carrying these out in an operational role in Afghanistan.
I did my first tour of Afghanistan in 2011 aged 22. I had my 22nd birthday whilst I was out there. After this tour of duty, I was injured whilst on adventurous training with my squadron during our 3 month ‘stand down’ period after the tour.
This led to numerous injuries through my career, and whilst on my 2nd deployment to Afghanistan in 2013 I was involved in a non-combat accident that led to me be flown back to the UK. I started an intensive treatment program that got me to where I am today.
In March 2016, I was medically discharged from the Army.
I have always been an animal lover and enjoy my sport. Mostly watching now rather than being involved.
I now live in Plymouth with my wife and 5 dogs. I’m not currently working while I still receive treatment for my physical and mental health problems.
My aim is to be a cricket coach, and promote disability sport in the community.
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